Background / Definitions#

At this point I’m going to assume you are a smart cookie and know what textures are, and why engines need to use custom file formats to store them.

(tl;dr it’s more efficient than loading more accessible formats like PNG, some types of image data cannot be stored in accessible formats like PNG, engines frequently need to assign textures metadata which cannot be done in most accessible formats like PNG)

From this point forward, when I say “image”, “image data”, or “texture data” I’m referring to a two-dimensional array of pixels, and not a file like PNG or VTF.

Finally, I’d like to note that I have no experience with the VTF format for console versions of Source, so this post will strictly focus on the VTF formats found on PC. Console VTFs seem to be very similar, and I might make a separate blog post about them in the future when I have more experience working with them.

Anyway now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into this format.


Since the first iteration of VTF is based on the DDS file format, let’s go over that first, and then we can see what Valve took inspiration from. Skip past this section if you already know what DDS looks like or don’t particularly care. The DDS header specification looks like this:

struct DDS_Header {
	uint32_t signature;
	uint32_t headerSize;
	uint32_t flags;
	uint32_t height;
	uint32_t width;
	uint32_t pitchOrLinearSize;
	uint32_t depth;
	uint32_t mipMapCount;
	uint32_t _unused0[11];
	uint32_t format;
	uint32_t caps1;
	uint32_t caps2;
	uint32_t _unused1[3];

DDS files are fairly straightforward when storing basic textures.

  • signature is always the fourCC code "DDS\0".
  • headerSize is always 124 bytes.
  • flags is poorly named, essentially stores a flag for every field of the header with valid data.
  • height and width store the dimensions of the base image (the first mip level).
  • pitchOrLinearSize stores the pitch (number of bytes per scan line) in uncompressed textures, or the size in bytes of the first mip level in compressed textures.
  • depth stores the size of the image in the third dimension (number of layers of a volume texture), if the texture is not a volume texture it may not be set to a valid value.
  • mipMapCount is self-explanatory, the number of mipmaps stored in the file. Mipmaps are images shrunken by a power of two from the image that came before it.
  • format is the format of the image data stored in the file.
  • caps1 and caps2 together define the type of the stored texture (volume texture? cubemap texture?).

Immediately following this header is the image data. The entire file looks something like this image.

A diagram of the structure of a DDS file. The header is at the beginning of the file, and immediately following it are each mip level of the texture, going from largest to smallest.


DDS is a nice generic format, but its generic-ness made it unsuited for Valve’s purposes. Valve needs to store several things in their textures that the stock DDS header doesn’t make room for, e.g. a reflectivity vector for faster radiosity calculations.

Early VTF (v7.0-7.2)#

VTF may have gone through several internal revisions before the first format we know of publicly, since the major version (yes, major, there are two version integers) has always been set to 7. The minor version is what gets updated when the format changes, and it starts at 0. This is what the first public iteration of VTF’s header looks like.

#pragma pack(push, 16)

struct VTF_Header_70 {
	uint32_t signature;
	uint32_t majorVersion;
	uint32_t minorVersion;
	uint32_t headerSize;
	uint16_t width;
	uint16_t height;
	uint32_t flags;
	uint16_t frameCount;
	uint16_t startFrame;
	uint32_t _padding0;
	float reflectivity[3];
	uint32_t _padding1;
	float bumpMapScale;
	uint32_t format;
	uint8_t mipCount;
	uint32_t thumbnailFormat;
	uint8_t thumbnailWidth;
	uint8_t thumbnailHeight;

// Bitwise identical
struct VTF_Header_71 : public VTF_Header_70 {};

#pragma pack(pop)

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out Valve copied Microsoft’s homework. Some of the fields are reordered, but in general the contents of the header flow the same direction. Note that this struct is 16-byte aligned, which is why the reflectivity vector has that weird padding around it.

  • signature is always the fourCC code "VTF\0".
  • majorVersion is always 7.
  • minorVersion ranges from 0 to 6.
  • headerSize is the same as the DDS headerSize, except this header is smaller since it doesn’t have tons of reserved space.
  • width and height is the same as in DDS, the width and height of the base mip.
  • flags is actually different than DDS, and is more what you’d expect from a field named flags. It stores flags. See Appendix A for more information on supported flags.
  • frameCount is the number of “frames”, and startFrame is the first frame in the animation sequence. Again, more on this later!
  • reflectivity stores the overall reflectivity of the texture, to be used in radiosity calculations. Valve’s method of calculating it is apparently adding all the pixels’ RGB values together, then dividing by the number of pixels. The reflectivity is stored in RGB order.
  • bumpMapScale controls the intensity of the bump map, if this texture is a bump map. It can be ignored otherwise.
  • format is the same as in DDS, the format of the image data stored in the file. See Appendix B for more information on supported format types.
  • mipCount is renamed from mipMapCount in DDS.
  • thumbnailFormat, thumbnailWidth, and thumbnailHeight are for the VTF thumbnail. More on this later.

Thumbnail data is stored immediately after the header, followed by the image data.

The thumbnail is a low-resolution copy of the base image, which the engine uses in a couple places when it needs to know general information about the brightness of the texture. It needs to know this information in 2D space, so using the reflectivity vector doesn’t work. The thumbnail format should always be treated as DXT1 even if the format field is different, because there are a few official VTFs that have the wrong format in this field, and every VTF creation tool will create the thumbnail with the DXT1 format. For VTFs created using Valve’s own tooling, the size of the thumbnail is always observed to be 16x16, as long as the image is square. If the image is not square, the thumbnail size will be proportional to the image dimensions, with the largest dimension being 16 (so if the image is 2048x1024, the thumbnail will be 16x8). This behavior is not a hard requirement, and thumbnails that have a different aspect ratio from their source image will still work. Custom sized thumbnails should also work, but there’s no need to go higher, or deviate from what Valve’s official tooling produces.

A diagram of the base image being used to create the thumbnail and the reflectivity vector.
The base image is used to calculate both the thumbnail and the reflectivity vector.

The flags field controls several things, although it’s also used by vtex, Valve’s texture compiler, to store data about the VTF while it’s being created. Some flags only have meaning in vtex, and some flags only have meaning in the engine. The list of flags seems to change slightly every VTF version, but one important flag is the cubemap flag (2^14). When this flag is enabled, the VTF has either 6 or 7 faces, the first 6 forming a cubemap and the 7th either being garbage data or a spheremap when present. When the cubemap flag is present VTF v7.0 has 6 faces, while v7.1 has 7 faces. Unfortunately, Valve has broken their own rules in regards to the presence of the spheremap in official VTFs in the past, so the only way to know for sure if the spheremap is or isn’t present is to check the size of the VTF’s image data. Fortunately, if the VTF is outside the version range v7.1-7.4 (inclusive), we know for sure the spheremap cannot exist.

The frameCount field controls the number of frames the VTF stores. Frames are used for animated textures, and the frame currently rendered by the game is controlled by the material using the texture. The startFrame is the default value for the current frame (not very complicated).

VTF v7.0-7.1 can’t store volumetric textures, despite the fact that DDS can. They might not have cared to implement support here, since volumetric textures aren’t used anywhere in Valve-published Source engine games (or really anywhere else as far as I can tell). VTF v7.2 adds support for volumetric textures (the only change to the format). At this point in the timeline we’re post-Half-Life 2 release, so they might have been doing internal experiments that would necessitate this change.

#pragma pack(push, 16)

// All the fields from v7.1 verbatim, plus...
struct VTF_Header_72 : public VTF_Header_71 {
	uint32_t depth;

#pragma pack(pop)

Now that volumetric textures are in play, we can properly visualize how image data is ordered.

"mipmaps" // 0 to mipCount
	"frames" // 0 to frameCount
		"faces" // 0 to number of faces
		{       // (either 1, 6, or 7)
			"slices" // 0 to depth
				image data

One interesting thing to note is that mipmaps are stored in reverse compared to DDS, going smallest to largest. I don’t know for sure, but my theory is they made this change so less of the file would need to be loaded when loading smaller mip levels from disk. I also don’t think the order would matter too much these days.

Another important consideration is that 3D cubemap textures (cubemaps with a nonzero value for depth) are technically possible to create, but are treated as invalid by the engine. Thus, the face count and the image depth cannot be greater than 1 simultaneously.

A diagram of the structure of a VTF file. The header is at the beginning of the file. Immediately following it is the thumbnail, followed by each mip level of the texture, going from smallest to largest

Modern VTF (v7.3-7.5)#

VTF v7.3 is where Valve starts to pull away from copying DDS, and attempt to make it a nicer container for more kinds of texture metadata by introducing the resource system.

#pragma pack(push, 16)

// All the fields from v7.2 verbatim, plus...
struct VTF_Header_73 : public VTF_Header_72 {
	uint8_t _padding1[3];
	uint32_t resourceCount;
	uint8_t _padding2[8];

// Bitwise identical
struct VTF_Header_74 : public VTF_Header_73 {};

// Bitwise identical
struct VTF_Header_75 : public VTF_Header_74 {};

#pragma pack(pop)

struct VTF_Resource {
	uint8_t type[3];
	uint8_t flags;
	uint32_t data;

Resources are stored after the VTF header in the form of the given struct. Each resource entry counts toward the overall headerSize as well. The type is a three character code used to identify the resource. There is currently only one resource flag (2^2), controlling the location of the resource’s data. If this flag is not present, the resource data field holds an absolute offset to the data in the VTF file. If the flag is present, the resource data field holds the resource’s data. This is more efficient for resources that only need to store four bytes of data or less. On non-console platforms the maximum amount of resources in a VTF is 32, but there quite literally are not enough resource types to ever hit this maximum.

The only required resource in a VTF file is the image data. Thumbnails are technically not necessary to load the VTF, although they’re highly recommended to always include.

The thumbnail and image data are now both considered “legacy” resources, appearing in the resource entry list but working exactly as they did before. The only difference is their beginning position in the file, which is now controlled by the resource data field, storing the offset to the thumbnail or image data respectively. The non-legacy resources, if not stored in the header, store a uint32_t just before their data, holding the length of the resource data (including this integer).

Note that due to overzealous optimization, resource entries in the header need to be sorted from lowest numeric resource ID to highest numeric resource ID. I found this out the hard way, and you may not even run into any issues writing unsorted resource entries until a VTF starts to break out of nowhere. Resource entries can be written in any order for VTFs used by the Strata Source engine branch.

This is the full list of VTF resources as of VTF v7.5, sorted lowest to highest.

Resource NameResource IDStored in Header?Description of Data
Thumbnail"\x01\0\0" (1)No“Legacy” resource, holds thumbnail data.
Particle Sheet"\x10\0\0" (16)NoIf the VTF was created using a particle sheet, this is the particle sheet it used (an SHT file). For the sake of focusing on VTF I will save this format for a possible future post.
Image Data"\x30\0\0" (48)No“Legacy” resource, holds image data. Required in all VTFs from v7.3+.
CRC"CRC" (4411971)YesHolds the CRC32 checksum of the input file that vtex used to create the VTF, not the VTF itself. Unused by the engine.
Texture LOD Control Info"LOD" (4476748)YesHolds two uint8_t integers, the last two bytes of the data field are unused. Controls the highest loaded mipmap when texture detail is set to “High”. For example, if U and V are 11, the highest loaded mipmap on “High” will be 2048x2048 (2^11), and on “Very High” the highest loaded mipmap will be 4096x4096 (2^(11+1)). There is very little point to this resource’s existence in my opinion.
KeyValues Data"KVD" (4478539)NoHolds a string which is not null-terminated, specified to be valid KeyValues 1 data. Unused by the engine, is used in third-party tooling to add various information like the texture author and creation date.
Extra Texture Flags"TSO" (5198676)YesStores extra texture flags, which can be used in mods for game-specific purposes. Unused by the engine in official Valve games, unknown if it’s used in other games. I have never encountered a VTF in the wild with this resource.

As for differences between VTF v7.3, v7.4, and v7.5, v7.3 and v7.4 are functionally identical. As previously stated spheremaps were deprecated in v7.4 and removed in v7.5. v7.5 is unsupported in most Source engine branches before Alien Swarm, but since it’s nearly identical to v7.4, changing the version in the header and adding a dummy spheremap if the texture is a cubemap is enough to convince the engine to load it.

Strata Source VTF (v7.6)#

Strata Source, a community-maintained fork of the engine, has made some additions to the format to support CPU compression (usually in tandem with GPU compression), resulting in a new version of the format. VTF v7.6’s header is identical to VTF v7.5.

#pragma pack(push, 16)

// Bitwise identical
struct VTF_Header_76 : public VTF_Header_75 {};

#pragma pack(pop)

Where v7.6 differs is in the new "AXC" resource, which is optional and sandwiched between the "CRC" and "LOD" resources in the resource entry list.

Resource NameResource IDStored in Header?Description of Data
Auxiliary Compression Info"AXC" (4413505)NoStores the compression type and strength, as well as the compressed sizes of each individual image. See the description below.

If the "AXC" resource is present, the image data is compressed. The original implementation of the resource looks like this.

struct AXC_V1 {
	// Excluding the size integer present at the beginning of every
	// non-legacy resource's data when not stored in the header
	uint32_t compressionStrength;
	uint32_t compressedSizes[mipCount * frameCount * faceCount];

This version of the "AXC" resource always uses the Deflate compression method. The compression strength is unnecessary at runtime, and stores the level of compression used when creating the texture. For Deflate this value can be between -1 and 9, inclusive. If the compression strength is 0, the rest of the resource is ignored, since 0 means no compression took place.

The compressed sizes store the size in bytes of every image that the VTF holds. This is typically calculated from the image dimensions and format, but compression size is non-deterministic so it must be stored. The compressed size layout is as follows. Note that if the texture is a volumetric texture, the entire 3D texture at the given mip, frame, and face level is compressed in one block.

"mipmaps" // 0 - mipCount
	"frames" // 0 - frameCount
		"faces" // 0 - number of faces
		{       // (either 1, 6, or 7)
			compressed image data length

Given this information, it is possible to access the compressed size of an image at a given mip, frame, and face level by using the following formula.

uint32_t compressedSizeAt(AXC_Old axc, uint8_t mip, uint16_t frame, uint8_t face) {
	return axc.compressedSizes[
		(mipCount - mip - 1) * frameCount * faceCount +
	    frame * faceCount +

When a VTF is compressed, the position of an image at a given mip, frame, and face level relative to the beginning of the image data resource can be found by summing the sizes of all the compressed images that came before it. The image data is tightly packed (if it wasn’t compression would be rather pointless).

A few years after the introduction of VTF v7.6, I updated it to support Zstd compression in addition to Deflate. From my testing Zstd doesn’t have a significant advantage in compression size, but it does have a significant advantage in decompression speed. The new "AXC" resource looks like this.

struct AXC_V2 {
	// Excluding the size integer present at the beginning of every
	// non-legacy resource's data when not stored in the header
	uint16_t compressionStrength;
	uint16_t compressionMethod;
	uint32_t compressedSizes[mipCount * frameCount * faceCount];

By splitting the compression strength into two shorts, since compression strength was only ever used to store a value between -1 and 9 inclusive, and VTF is stored in little endian, we can take advantage of the empty space to store the compression method in a backwards-compatible way. There are three accepted value ranges for compressionMethod.

  • <=0: Identifies the first iteration of AXC, using Deflate compression.
  • 8: The latest iteration of AXC, using Deflate compression.
  • 93: The latest iteration of AXC, using Zstd compression.

Note that since the compression strength value is useless at runtime, third-party tooling expecting the old "AXC" resource will continue to work with new Deflate-compressed VTFs. Programs expecting the new "AXC" resource should also load the old AXC resource correctly assuming they handle compressionMethod correctly. For these reasons the resource is not versioned, as making a separate version would actually do more harm than good.

Although minizip-ng is not used in the engine or in any third-party tooling I’ve seen, compressionMethod copies its defines for compression method types. The door is left open for other compression methods, although there’s not much of a point in adding new ones.

Unspoken Requirements / Things to Know#

A few VTF requirements aren’t immediately obvious, and sometimes requirements that people will tell you about don’t actually exist. Let’s go over all of them.

Texture Dimensions#

Some say a VTF’s image dimensions must not stray from the path of the powers of two. They are utter fools, too cowardly to taste the sweet forbidden fruit of non-PO2 dimensions. Non-PO2 sized textures may not have worked well in the past, but in modern times on modern hardware they are fine, and don’t seem to cause any issues in Source from my testing. Use non-PO2 textures sparingly, but don’t be afraid of them if they’re convenient. (Side note, the dimension for a mip level below an image that has a dimension that doesn’t divide evenly by 2 will be the result of the division plus one (rounded up). For example, if an image has dimensions 111x64, the mip level below that image is expected to have dimensions 56x32.)

That being said, if a VTF is using a compressed format such as DXTn, BCn, or ATIxN its dimensions must be a multiple of 4. Compressed formats require 4x4 pixel blocks throughout the image. This is also why mip levels lower than 4x4 sometimes look very weird for compressed formats.


Spheremaps are required for VTF cubemaps with a version between v7.1-7.4 inclusive, but they are never used by the engine. If you are making a program to create cubemap VTFs feel free to leave the spheremap blank, or insert a doodle.


  • When creating a VTF with no mipmaps, the NO_MIP and NO_LOD flags should be applied.
  • When creating a VTF with a format that supports transparency, either the ONE_BIT_ALPHA flag or the MULTI_BIT_ALPHA flag must be applied.
  • When creating a cubemap VTF, the ENVMAP flag should be applied.

See Appendix A for more information on flags.

Appendix A: VTF v7.5-7.6 Flags#

Most VTF flags are either internal to vtex or fairly esoteric. There are a few important ones though. I’ve left out the ones that only exist for vtex, but kept the ones that are plain weird since the engine likely uses them.

Most of these flags exist for earlier VTF versions, but I don’t know which ones and I want to be done writing this post. Sorry!

POINT_SAMPLE2^0Disable texture filtering when sampling from the texture. Obsolete on modern Source branches now that materials can control this as well.
TRILINEAR2^1Always use trilinear filtering when sampling from the texture.
CLAMP_S2^2Do not wrap on the X axis.
CLAMP_T2^3Do not wrap on the Y axis.
ANISOTROPIC2^4Always use anisotropic filtering when sampling from the texture.
HINT_DXT52^5Unsure. The Valve Developer Wiki says it’s used in skyboxes to remove visible seams, but what a weird name for that.
SRGB2^6Texture uses the sRGB color space (sRGB to linear gamma correction will be applied on the GPU).
NORMAL2^7Texture is a normal map.
NO_MIP2^8Texture has no mipmaps. Should be present on every texture with 1 mip level.
NO_LOD2^9Texture has no LOD (it does not use lower mip levels than the base). This flag is utterly useless and should be present when NO_MIP is present.
LOAD_LOWEST_MIPS2^10Allows the game to load mip levels with dimensions below 32x32. Should only be used for uncompressed formats in my opinion, because compressed formats typically have broken mips below 4x4.
PROCEDURAL2^11Texture was either created in code, or will be modified in code.
ONE_BIT_ALPHA2^12Should be set for all VTFs storing texture data with one bit alpha.
MULTI_BIT_ALPHA2^13Should be set for all VTFs storing texture data with more than one bit of alpha.
ENVMAP2^14Set if the VTF is storing a cubemap.
CLAMP_U2^25Do not wrap on the Z axis.
VERTEX_TEXTURE2^26Texture is a vertex texture for VertexLitGeneric materials.
SSBUMP2^27Texture is an ssbump.
BORDER2^29Clamp to the texture border color on all axes.

Appendix B: Supported Image Formats#

Unfortunately the list of supported formats is not tied to a VTF version, rather it is tied to the the branch of the Source engine you’re using. Fortunately the list of formats common to all branches is fairly extensive. Check the Valve Developer Wiki for a listing with more format-specific information.

SDK2013 is a bit of a dead end in regards to formats, every engine branch created after Alien Swarm should support Alien Swarm’s extra formats in theory (replacing SDK2013’s formats).

This listing also does not include console-specific formats.

All Branches#

FormatIDExtra Information
I85Greyscale, luminance
IA886Greyscale, luminance with alpha
P87Uses a palette. Unclear how a palette would be specified, likely a holdover from GoldSrc. I haven’t observed this format in any official or unofficial VTFs.
RGB888_BLUESCREEN9Identical to RGB888, except when the color is 0x0000FF the color is interpreted as transparent instead.
BGR888_BLUESCREEN10Identical to BGR888, except when the color is 0xFF0000 the color is interpreted as transparent instead.

Extra SDK2013 Formats#

FormatIDExtra Information
EMPTY36Should not be used in VTFs, specifies a pixel size of 0 bytes.
ATI2N37Broken in all Source engine branches except Strata Source.
ATI1N38Broken in all Source engine branches except Strata Source.

Extra Alien Swarm (and beyond) Formats#

FormatIDExtra Information
EMPTY33Should not be used in VTFs, specifies a pixel size of 0 bytes.
ATI2N34Broken in all Source engine branches except Strata Source.
ATI1N35Broken in all Source engine branches except Strata Source.

Extra Strata Source Formats#

FormatIDExtra Information
R869Identical to I8, except only using the red channel instead of greyscale.
BC6H71Specifically the signed half-float variant.